Dear friends, in writing this article I was briefly reading last years newsletter. At the time we were still in recession, and there were plenty of negative headlines. Well what a difference a year makes!
According to The Times this week, the UK economy is now larger than at any previous time, surpassing it’s 2008 peak. The pound is at a five year high, house prices are rising, unemployment falling, and Britain’s manufacturing sector is booming. All in all, the recovery is gaining real momentum.
Whilst peoples opinions on economic policy will always differ, these economic changes have largely been positive, and it’s great to be talking about positive change!
We’ve seen a lot of positive changes at Hollinger over the last year. A couple of years ago our key focus was on significant investment in new technology, and although we’re continually investing, our main focus over this last year has been in and around processes, procedures, and improving efficiency.
We’ve had a good hard look at ourselves, and guess what we found? We’re not perfect! None of us operate within a business environment where we can do what we’ve always done, and expect better results. We’ve made lots of positive changes, and we will continue to do so where these changes take us forward, help us to develop, grow and add greater value to our customers.
There have been changes with new people, environment, roles, priorities and focus, that are really taking us forward as a business. As has been the case with the increasing momentum in our economy. Let’s keep the changes positive as we all look to grow and build momentum going into the next few months.
Have a great Summer!
Mark Hollinger
Managing Director
Hollinger Print